Masturbation (Onani) And Prostate Cancer

According to new research by British researchers, men who have sex frequently in the 20s and 30s have the prostate cancer risk is greater in the future. Even the researchers showed that young men who frequent masturbation (masturbation), have a greater risk of prostate cancer, compared with those who frequently have sex with a partner.

The study led by Dr. Polyxeni Dimitropoulou from the University of Cambridge. He and his colleagues used questionnaires to examine the sexual activity more than 400 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 60, along with more than 400 control subjects.

The researchers asked questions about their sex lives, including age at first intercourse, frequency of masturbation (masturbation) and sexual intercourse, number of sexual partners and history of sexually transmitted disease has ever suffered. Researchers are interested to see the relationship between sexual activity with young men, which many prostate cancer studies focused on older men, as the disease is more prevalent in men over 50 years.

Frequency of sex and hormone levels

Because the known prostate cancer associated with levels of male hormones, the researchers used the frequency of sex as a comparison. They theorized that men who have sex a lot when young will have higher hormone levels. Thus, highly sexed man who had sex more than 20 times a month, according to research should be more susceptible to prostate cancer.

Overall found a significant association between prostate cancer and sexual activity in a man's age and 20 between masturbation (masturbation) and prostate cancer at the age of 20's and 30's. But there is no significant relationship between sexual activity and prostate cancer in men age 40-an.

When researchers analyzed the data further, found that men who suffer from prostate cancer later in life, has a history of sexual activity with the highest frequency in each group in a decade, including sexual intercourse and masturbation (masturbation).

PMS And Cancer Risk

Another interesting relationship is found by the researchers is the possibility of a link between sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and increased risk of prostate cancer. Although these findings somewhat controversial, but explained that the men in the study who had suffered from PMS before, have a higher incidence of prostate cancer when older.

An interesting study recently by Lorelei Mucci, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health also showed that men who have been infected with the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, tend to develop prostate cancer more aggressive.

Mucci and colleagues examined the more than 650 male prostate cancer patients. They took blood samples from these men to determine whether they were ever infected by parasites. Although the men who are infected do not have the risk of developing prostate cancer is higher, but those who are infected develop a form of more aggressive disease.

Ejaculation Protection

One of the more confusing factor Dimitropoulou research is the fact that he identifies the opposite trend emerged when the man who frequently have sex at age 40's and 50's. Where in that age, all sexual activity including masturbation (masturbation) it will reduce kemungkinanan develop prostate cancer. However, this theory has not tested properly and needed further research.
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