Depression and Anxiety Disorders

The main picture of this disorder is difficulty with the separation, where this disorder are at risk to depression and anxiety disorders that tend to think of suicide. It is estimated that more than 2% of the adult population is susceptible to interference with the ratio between men and women equal.

Sign - a sign of Dependent Personality Disorder, among others:

- Encourage or allow others to take the most important decisions for himself.
- Putting the needs of themselves lower than the needs of others on whom he depends, and undue compliance to their wishes.
- The reluctance to file a proper claim on whom he depends.
- Feeling uncomfortable or helpless when alone, because of fear that was raised - raised about the inability to take care of themselves.
- Focus will be fear of abandonment by those close to him and left to fend for themselves.
- The limited ability to make decisions a day - the day without excessive advice and reassurance by others.
- Preview the broadcaster can include feelings of helplessness, incompetence, and loss of stamina.

Includes: Disturbance astenik, inadekuat, passive, and blame themselves.
Body Health Information