1. Drug free
Counter drugs are medicines that may be used without a prescription. In Western countries, this drug is OTC or over the counter. This is the safest drug and can be purchased freely in shops, drug stores, and pharmacies.
Although called a safe, drug-free still may not be used carelessly. However, he said Dr.Handrawan Nadesul, free drug also has content "poison" that can be dangerous for the body if not used properly.
Drug packaging is marked with a green circle striped black edge. This free drugs used to treat symptoms of mild illness, usually a vitamin or a multivitamin.
2. Free drug is limited
Drugs of this type can still be purchased without a prescription. On the packaging of these drugs have a blue circle striped black edge. For example, antiflu drug or drug antimabuk. There are warnings on the packaging is marked by a dark little box or white box, black side stripes, for example:
P.No.1: Beware! Prescription drugs. Read the rules of usage
P.No.2: Beware! Prescription drugs. Just to the outside of the body.
P.No.3: Beware! Prescription drugs. Not to be taken.
P.No.4: Beware! Prescription drugs. Only to be burned.
P.No.5: Beware! Prescription drugs. Drugs hemorrhoids, do not swallow.
These drugs should also be stopped if the condition more serious illness. Should go to the doctor for further examination.
It is advisable to conduct their own treatment with drugs that should be obtained through prescription from your doctor. Although disease symptoms and the same complaint, a drug used is not necessarily the same.
Note the expiration date of the drug, read the information on the package of instructions that do not use drugs, drug usage instructions are not allowed, side effects, drug dosage, how to store drugs, and drug interactions with other drugs or drug interactions with food intake.
3. Prescription drugs
These drugs must be obtained through prescription from your doctor. There is his trademark red circle marks the edge of the black stripes with the letter K in it.
Drugs are included in this class of antibiotics such as tetracycline, penicillin, drugs containing hormones, tranquilizers, and others. Drugs of this type can not eat any because it can be dangerous, poison the body, exacerbating the disease, or cause death.