Prevent diabetes and artificial sweeteners

Ever heard of Disease "Simanis" or Diabetes? Disease in other languages is called diabetes mellitus (DM), is a deadly disease if not treated seriously. The number of people with diabetes has reached 8.4 million by the year 2006 and will be more than 21.3 million worldwide in 2030. Because an increasing number of lifestyle changes. well scary?

According to some specialists Diabetes is a set of symptoms that arise in a person due to increased blood sugar levels due to absolute insulin deficiency. Food intake into the body directly processed into sugar (glucose) is chemically in the liver. "Sugar in part will be issued to the bloodstream, some will be stored in the liver," explained the doctor in a seminar held to welcome the Anniversary 110 PGI Cikini Hospital Jakarta some time ago. Also according to the doctor Slamet Suyono, there are at least three symptoms of diabetes such as polyuria (lots of urine), polidipsi (much to drink / thirsty), and polifagia (lots of eating, feeling constantly hungry).

One cause of diabetes is the number of foods with excessive calories. One of these food substances that contain many calories as sugar, sweetness causes. That is why health experts recommend to not consuming too much sugar, but necessary. Especially for those already infected with the disease diabetes or diabetes. Which encourages the incidence of diabetes is the high content of sugar in the blood. The word 'sugar' itself can be interpreted as the number of calories that can be synchronized with other types of carbohydrates.

But, what it feels like a sweet drink with no taste? Similarly we consume vegetables without salt ... huh bland!. Gak enak banget! Sugar in the drink as inseparable. Therefore, in order to drink bad taste in the mouth and sweet without using sugar, as well as for our bodies stay healthy, it can be replaced sugar with artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweeteners offer sugar sweetness without calories. Artificial sweeteners much sweeter than sugar, so the amount needed to sweeten foods smaller. Therefore, given the food value of artificial sweeteners have lower calories than sugar-containing foods. Artificial sweeteners do not affect blood sugar levels. This material is considered "free foods" because it does not contain carbohydrates or fat.
According to the National Agency for Drug and Food (BPOM) Republic of Indonesia several types of artificial sweeteners that could be used instead of sugar and are allowed to be consumed according to the manufacturer, are: aspartame, saccharin, acesulfame and Sukralosa.

We have had a lot of products containing artificial sweeteners such as energy drink Extra Joss and several other products, for consumption according to the manufacturer's instructions BPOM RI Required safety course for people with Diabetes can also reduce the risk of diabetes.

Besides reducing the consumption of sugar, and do regular exercise to prevent the body from the danger of Diabetes disease or diabetes mellitus. We care about your body while you can.
Body Health Information